Saturday, April 26, 2008


I decided that I wouldn't harp on about the ANZAC's
And how they fought with their lives
We all know
What amazing people they were
I don't need to reiterate that
It would ruin my mood
I don't feel overly happy
But definitely not negative
More just sentimental
But it's good
In a way
It is also fairly late
Mum and Dad are out
For the first time in years they left us at home
And went out
To a friend's 50th birthday, actually
They should be home soon I guess
I had this horrible image of them being in a car crash
Because I can hear the rain outside
But to be honest I think our car is made of plenty thick enough metal
To protect them
And besides
I highly doubt they will be in a crash
Why am I even talking about it!
Moving on.
I worked today, it was good but it seemed like it was so much longer than 5 hours
My room is a mess
A little like my head at the moment
But in a way the clutter seems normal
And expected
It's also quite warm in here

In conclusion
Today was worth living
And for that

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