Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jealousy Tears You Apart

I love to drive.
I love my laptop.
I love my friends, my family.
I love my N73.
I love my hair when it looks like Maxxie's.
I love my iPod.

I hate feeling like I'm not worth it.
I hate traffic lights.
I hate looking back at all my bitching, about nothing
I hate having a sore back.
I hate songs that are overplayed.

Gabriella Cilmi is really pretty, I found out today. I never knew.

I don't pay attention to stuff.
Like, tv.
We have Foxtel. I don't even watch it.

I pay attention to stupid stuff.
Like, the bloody birds that crapped on my clean car today.

I start university next month.
Since it's officially February.
I'm fucking scared.

I haven't even enrolled yet.
Because my second-round offer is coming out in four days.
Enrollment in nine days.
So is Xanthe's birthday.
She'll be 15.
I barely remember being 15.

"Wish I was much more masculine
Maybe then I could learn to swim
Like, fourteen miles away."

I've worked lots lately, which is.. actually kinda boring.
But, (hopefully) tomorrow, I get paid. Lots.
Either tomorrow or Tuesday. Hopefully tomorrow.
I'm going to spend a little. Not heaps. But enough, it'll be good. I hope.
Mostly its for the car. and the car.
Mainly for my benefit actually.
Because clearly a GPS isn't going to benefit the car in any way.
Nor a new stereo. (one that works)
I think. I shall invest in a new fanbelt, should I find that the existing one is actually the reason for the incredibly annoying squeaking.
Also I need to vacuum it.
Luckily, that doesn't cost money.
It might take me about 19304855 years though, the vacuum cleaner is far from brilliant.

"I'm making real good BREAD..."

I am such a stalker.
But at least I'm good at it.

A tree fell on Callum's house.

Vickie and me had sundaes!

Also she gave me pitards.

And we washed the car.


"We'll lay in bags as dead as leaves..
All together
For eternity."

I remember I cried when I heard this song.
I was on the way to school. No, I was getting ready for school.
And I cried, listening to it.

Couldn't believe it. It was so spontaneous.
I mean yeah, the song is sad but it was really random and sudden.

The banjo song.



"It will also fail."


I think I'm sick of writing.
I didn't even write anything good.
Everything I touch, turns to borked.

I hope you're reading this.





"They shot it,
we bought it,
so you see it's not just me,
it's sweet, it's in the movies."

1 comment:

Marie said...

well thanks for the comment! glad you enjoyed my random musings. you're from Australia huh? pretty awesome.