Monday, February 15, 2010


For a day so filled with flowers and hearts and chocolate
I certainly didn't see many of those things
Instead I had the much less commercial company
Of Rach and Stace
As we dined and drove.
And then of course Rachel's amazingly awesome present
Was a pretty perfect end to the day.

Tomorrow it seems I am jetting off to Perth
At this very point in time I am less than excited
I'm sure it will be great
But today it means little more than a very early morning.

I shall try and stay on top of my PJ365 blog
And knowing me I'll be taking photos every five seconds so that will hardly be difficult.

My ears don't hurt today
Why would they, you ask?
They are now twice as metal-filled as they were 24 hours ago
And on top of that, there is a meaning behind it too
I like it when that happens.



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