Thursday, July 2, 2009

Checkered Flag

I'm surprised that I won,
But I did.
I'm not writing this to brag, just that it was THE most fun thing I have EVER done and I felt it very necessary to write about it.

Picture this.
It's about 12.30am,
We are leaving Amy's.
Flick goes "I'll race you home.."
I'm like "Come off it, you've got a litre and 15 years on me."
"Come on! First to your place wins."
I smile.
We run.
Awaiting us; a few thousand kilos and twelve cylinders, totaling seven litres.
One: Nissan R31 Skyline; 3.0L straight-6. 117kw. 211,000 k's on the clock.
Two: Ford BA MkII Falcon; 4.0L straight-6. 182kw. 78,000 k's on the clock.
So I'm clearly not feeling confident at this point.
Somehow I got enough of a head start though.
I was well ahead after pulling out of Amy's street and taking the first roundabout on Mountain Highway.
At this stage I was still doing the speed limit, and it wasn't long before the Falcon was not far behind me.
I got to the first set of traffic lights first, and as Flick pulled up beside me I was convinced I would lose from this point on.
The lights went green and I floored it, taking off first and holding a lead for a short while until the Falcon flew effortlessly past me.
At this point Flick was doing somewhere around 130km/h and decided to slow down, so I caught up and we were neck and neck until the next set of lights where I stopped to turn right and she seemingly forgot and drifted straight through them.
I laughed. I had no idea which way she'd have to take.
I continued a little less enthusiastically up Bayswater Road and Canterbury, then cut through the back streets, up past Eastwood and onto Dublin Road before going down Patterson and down my street.
As I turned into my street I was half expecting the blue BA to be sitting outside my house celebrating it's victory.
But no, a completely empty street lay before me, I laughed once again and got the biggest grin ever on my face.
I got out of the car and smelled the burning, from the tyres and possibly something else.
Apologising to the car I went to grab my bag out, and it was then that Flick came round the corner, so in her defense she did pretty well given I went the right way and she did not.

My back tyres were quite warm, and the Falcon was smelling a little burnt as well so we both agreed to leave it a good while before we have a rematch.
Hopefully, next time I'll be able to take the soon-to-be-Mum's VX wagon, then we'll be a little more evenly least the cars will be from the same decade.

Best race ever.
I couldn't wipe the grin off my face all the way inside and down to my room.



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