Friday, January 14, 2011


Whilst I'm aware it is after midnight
And therefore technically Friday
I'm still counting it as the end of the 13th.

It shocks me to think it has been a whole year.
It's been one hell of a year
And I mean that rather literally.

Mad dashes 
Across the countryside. 
Some things have changed
Some have not.
Some things have moved
Whilst others have remained.

I don't know whether I'm any better for it
But it's done and dusted
There's nothing I can do about it now
But move ahead.

Something that has done quite a lot
Of ahead-moving
Is my dearest Fairmont.
I know..
I crap on about it all the time..
But I think it's important.

My latest conclusion RE: the Fairmont
Is that he is acting as a substitute boyfriend.
I spend a lot of time inside him
(Sorry..couldn't resist.) 
I spend a lot of money on him
And I wake up each day
Happy to know I'll be spending time with him.
Maybe I'm insane. 
But after nearly 4 months
He's caused me very little trouble
And we still fit together very well.
He doesn't argue with me.
He (usually) does what I want.
If he wants something
He tells me.
It's approaching the realms of a perfect relationship.

Whilst I love my car dearly
There is obviously nothing
That replaces actual human contact.
And that is clearly the area
In which I am struggling
And lacking.
I need affection.
I need more of it.
I need it from someone I can return it to.
So underneath my veil of car-love
I'm still the same.



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