Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's Been...

Well no.
It hasn't really been anything.
It is, instead.
It is, today, 5 weeks until my birthday
And 5 days until my "birthday"
Which I actually think is kinda cool.

Feeling lazy.
Inconvenient, since I signed up for a gym yesterday
I'm sure I won't keep that up for long.
We'll see, I guess.

It's unfortunate when things go so quickly.
Especially when you don't make the most of them.
It leaves you with a kind of wondering
What more could have been done?
Where would that have lead me?

But they are all quite pointless questions to ask,
Which is fine.
Leaves me room to think about other things.
However those other things seem pointless still,
Thoughts like
"I don't want to be old, Jordan
No one will like me!"
Who the hell thinks about that at 18?!

Hard to say.
I've decided I take movies and TV far too seriously.
To name a few.
Sad, I know

I think
I should live in TV.
I would be better.
So much.
Although I'm not sure if you can even do that.
I should write to it.

"Dear TeeVee.
Can I live in you?
Pretty please?
♥ Wolfie."

I can see it now.
Regardless of my wish to live in TV,
I don't think it will happen.
Which is unfortunate!
Although, as it was pointed out
They'd play reruns of me
And people would get bored
And then I'd be demoted to late-night Foxtel.

I'm trying to think of a clever way to finish this.
I've pretty much said all I can say..
Without of course going into the events of the past days
Which have been mostly good
With only minor exceptions.
Again, I'm not being very specific.
Which defeats the purpose.
But I can't be.
I can't just blurt out whatever I want.
Well I could..
It is physically possible.
But potentially disastrous.

Moving on.
I actually have to finish this.

This is my life


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