Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dark Blue

I'm fairly sure I just realised how boring the internet is.
I need to find better things to do..
Like, play The Sims.

I got up early to do a linguistics assignment which I'd completely forgotten about until Aidan reminded me of it last night.
Conveniently, it was super easy (for the most part) and I finished it pretty quick..
So then I thought
"Okay. I'll just randomly traipse the interwebs for awhile..."
But it is so boring.
Mainly because there is no one online to talk to.
And, it's just hit me.
That's all I really use the internet for.
I mean sure it's great for ... other stuff. Like, I dunno. Paying bills?
But I pretty much just use it to talk to people...
People who are currently sleeping or schooling. LAME.
Also I can probably leave soon, so I don't have to be bored much longer.

Lastly, I have another assignment due tomorrow, for education.
Although, I'm quite confident given how well I did on my last one.
Also Karen loves me and will give me a HD just because I am awesome.
(Ahem. I wish.)

OH NO. Not lastly.
Yesterday was 09/09/09
(And I just remembered how I blogged about 08/08/08 just over a year ago, I might re-read that just now)
I managed to get my Twitter count up to 999 updates!
I was so very proud.
Stace texted me at about midnight and was like YOU FAILED and I was like nah. I got it.
I was impressed.
999 at 2359.
Stupidly, I didn't think to screenshot it until 0016, but at least then it said "17 minutes ago"
So I could still tell of my awesomeness.

In other news
(wow, that really was not 'lastly', when I claimed it to be)
the car is counting it's kilometres once again.
Possibly with reluctance,
But if I cannot escape aging, nor can my car.
Aging? Ageing?
Apparently Firefox red-lines the second one.
I'll believe you, browser.

Time for cereal?


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