Monday, November 8, 2010


 'to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight '

It seems I've been neglecting my blog.
Multiple blogs, actually.
After my exam on Wednesday I'll update my photoblog,
And hopefully I'll have enough photos to fill in the gaps.
(Er, yes, I am aware that there has been a gap of 1 month +)

I've also been neglecting the reality that I need a new job.
Little by little our office tasks are being outsourced to an offshore office
And little by little our office staff are disappearing.
I haven't seen Emma , Annette or Lauren for over a week.

This is disappointing; 
Both in that I miss seeing them at work 
AND that I will soon be made redundant also
If this pattern continues. 

One thing I have not been neglecting
Would be my dearest Xandir.
At the turn of 190,000km on Tuesday last week
The little service spanner popped up on the dashboard.

By Thursday, and less than 50km later
He had new oil (with Syneco, of course) and a new oil filter
And yesterday he also got new spark plugs
Along with a new HT lead for cylinder 3, courtesy of Dad breaking the old one.
Inconveniently the coil pack is located in a stupid hard-to-reach place
But I did get an amusing picture of Dad almost diving into the engine bay to get to it.

Unfortunately, without a constant income I will not have money to fuel him
So this could become an issue.
Logical next step?
Seek..and hopefully



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