Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kind Of Busy

I guess I have been
A little.
Okay, not so much that I have a valid reason for ignoring my blog
But it seems only one person really cares that it hasn't been updated
So one could argue that I may as well not bother
But no, it's worth it.

Where to begin?
I have no idea what my last post even was
But I have a feeling it was song lyrics.
Hard to say why.
But songs have been quite important to me lately.
For a few reasons I guess
They usually remind me of something
Someone, or a feeling even.
Perhaps to my detriment
I now have a playlist on my iPod
Of songs that will deteriorate my mood
And allow me to be as upset as I feel I should be.
I suppose I've always had songs that would do so
But now they are collected and easily accessible.

Am I only making it worse?
I suppose one could say that I am doing this to myself
And that it is unconstructive and just plain stupid
But I would counter that I usually feel better after a low
So in the end I'm making it better.
Hard to say whether that's a valid reason
But it'll do for now.

The days seem to flash past
Which at this point isn't really bad
I'm waiting, hoping
For a day which will soon be here
So I don't mind the quick disappearance of each day
Nearly as much as I would
If I maintained my theory
That I was wasting my life
And each day disappearing
Simply signified another day I no longer have
Where I accomplished nothing.
This is very year 11 of me,
Except that was just with Friday's.
Scheme against time
I still think we should.

The days are filled with stress
The nights are filled with thoughts
And I simply cannot wait
For this whole ridiculous matter to unfold and sort itself out.
At least one resolution was reached today
That is a welcome weight lifted from my chest.

Today was actually good
Not that other recent days have not been
But this one was especially.
Time with friends certainly helped
And a hilarious story co-written with Stace and Des was enough to make the workday amusing.
I'll post it tomorrow,
When I can be bothered getting it off my USB.

Time is not on my side
It's approaching 3am
And thus
I have work in nine hours.
Slumber calls.

You know what else today is?
I'll talk about it in the morning...
It still feels like yesterday.



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