Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Still Brutally Stereotypical

What does it mean to be masculine? Can such a concept be defined by just one set of criteria? And how does the idea of masculinity change and evolve over time? All these questions and more have come to my mind as a result of the latest advertising campaign from Brut, for their ‘Brutally Male’ deodorant. What gives this company the right to decide what is defined as ‘masculine’ or ‘male’, and what kind of image are they trying to portray? They are certainly tapping into one particular male stereotype, and hopefully I will come to some explanation as to why.
Firstly, let us consider the context of this ad. The ad depicts a robot of some kind assembling a collection of objects, presumably ones that are desired by males. The collection includes a Holden ute, a surfboard, a motorbike, a keg of beer, and finally a non-specific scarcely clad blonde woman, after she has been modified from a conservative Barbie doll. I’m sure if you surveyed a diverse group of males, the majority would not complain. However these items represent more than just something you wouldn’t mind in the driveway/bedroom; they reinforce a stereotype that a number of males have tried to break. I am of course talking about the stereotype of the “Aussie Bloke”, someone who certainly still exists today but is by no means an accurate representation of the majority of the Australian male population. We all know the Aussie Bloke as he is portrayed; a tough exterior, a beer-filled interior, all the while chasing the most blonde and least clothed girls around. Like I said, there are of course men in Australia who fit that description to varying extents, but there are so many who do not. Breaking it down, it can be assumed that to be an Australian man, you must simply identify as Australian, and possess an X and a Y chromosome. There are no other requirements, period. However, let’s take another step and look at gender identity and stereotypes.
To identify as ‘male’ and to identify as ‘masculine’ are clearly two very different things. As previously explained, being ‘male’ is purely biological, but being ‘masculine’ is such a complex social construct, it is hard to come up with one definition to fit all. Social constructs are formed and changed through influences such as the media, our experiences, our friendships and relationships with others, and of course our own opinions. Media plays a huge role in our self identity and helps us shape our opinions, and such campaigns as the ‘Brutally Male’ Brut ad are clear examples of the messages we are consuming each day. Breaking apart the ad itself, we have seen that the objects in the ad are aimed at a stereotypical Australian male, but what about the tag-line? What does it mean to be brutally male? Brutality is not really an admired quality in our society, so why would they be promoting it? The main reason for advertising is to sell something, that’s a given. The main reason for the content of an advertisement is who the target audience is. It seems that Brut are aiming their product at males who feel as though they want to get back to those stereotypical male roots, the bare bones of it, and be brutal. However this Neanderthal-derived desire ignores the fact that in getting to the ‘bare bones’ of it, you don’t need a Holden or a bimbo to be male, you need a penis. Whilst they are trying to identify with one target market, they may have benefited more from being a little more general, and capturing the very diverse male mind as a whole. Shall we take a look at who they are neglecting? If they are only aiming for the Aussie Bloke, they are missing such groups as metrosexuals, homosexuals, and more simply the group of men known as “SNAGs”, sensitive new-age guys who are proud to be men but don’t feel the need to act like a bogan.
The term ‘metrosexual’ has been around since the 1980s, but in its current definition it has mostly been used in the last ten years. A metrosexual is defined as a young male who takes pride in his physical appearance, is fashion-conscious and in terms of himself and his self presentation he exhibits behaviour which is usually stereotypical of homosexual men, but he is straight (this brings in to question the stereotype of the gay man, but at this point, this is irrelevant). In the last decade, several high-status males have been labelled as metrosexual, including swimmer Ian Thorpe and soccer star David Beckham. These influential people have been portrayed as good role-models, and as such there has been little backlash directed at them and their choices of lifestyle. To have such highly regarded celebrities being portrayed as metrosexual means that it isn’t really seen as something to be ashamed of, and thus the term has been increasingly used as more and more young men choose to take on such a lifestyle. It could be argued that a sensitive new-age guy (or a SNAG) is quite similar, but I would counter that by saying many of my male friends (and many males in general, I’m sure) are neither appearance-conscious nor good at shopping, but at the same time they are not at the stereotypical “bloke” end of the continuum either.
Looking back through history, it’s hard to imagine where the stereotype we know as “bloke” even came from. Sure, in ancient civilisations we had the likes of gladiators, warriors and the rest, but they were still not comparable to our “blokes”. Moreover, we had such highly regarded figures as Shakespeare, an author, not a barbaric footy player. Moving forward even to the last few decades, our Australian blokes seem to be in a class of their own compared to the rest of the world. Perhaps the closest group are the American rednecks, who tend to hold guns instead of stubbies. So maybe it’s just us here in Australia that have such a view of masculinity. But if that is so, the question still remains as to where it came from. As to where it is going, it makes sense that today there is less of an emphasis than there used to be on this stereotype, as much of our media influences today are from overseas, particularly America. Could it be that Brut are merely trying to hold on to the last bit of our token Aussie male, before he is quashed by our American-flooded media? Is it wise for them to do so? It shows they have pride in their national ‘identity’, yes, but it also shows they aren’t keeping up with the trends, and they aren’t adapting themselves for a changing marketplace.
Masculinity, like all social constructs, must evolve over time as society and its inhabitants also evolve. Brut’s use of the male stereotype shows that while these changes happen, there is still room for a possibly outdated version to show itself, and if it’s out there, surely there is an available niche for it to fill. Social constructs are individual, and whilst I may not identify with their stereotype completely, I certainly won’t suggest we take what rightfully belongs to everyone; autonomy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Hate Everything About My Ways

[ but you tell me I'm okay.]

Today has been interesting.
I walked a lot.
I had fun though.
I won't go through details,
I think I took enough photos to make a timeline.

But I have ended up at McMahon's Point
(Thankyou thankyou thankyou Marissa)
To chill and kick back.

I got to ride a ferry.
I got to see Steph and meet Liz
I got to walk off some excess fat - we hope.
I got to play in the water-wall at Darling Harbour
Made me very very happy.
I'm going to try and convince Sean that we should go again tomorrow
I love it.

Things are different.
I don't like it.
But you don't always get what you want.

I don't wanna give you up
But I just might


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Got To Have Them

So last night I had two dreams
Which I actually remembered.
This never happens.

So I shall write them.
First one
I left my car parked somewhere in Box Hill
Came back and all the doors were unlocked
And I was like,
It's been broken into.
Looked inside,
Turns out the only thing they took was the hard drive from my laptop
Which is really inconvenient because that's probably the only thing I really can't replace.
They'd also neatened up my glove box,
Putting one of those little cable ties on my GPS charger
Instead of stealing it.
They took the black plastic thing on the back of the car
I don't know what it's called
But the random 'ornamental' thing on the boot.
No it's not a spoiler or a bumper, before you ask.
That sucked.

Next thing, I was in Sydney
With Steph
And we had to walk across a really narrow long bridge suspended over a river
So we could get to the train station.
Now this bridge had no railing or anything and was really kinda scary
And I was walking really slowly across it
Laptop bag over my shoulder so I had to be careful not to fall into the water
Which apparently Steph didn't worry about
Because she was like "OH WELL"
And jumped off into the river
Before appearing behind me again so as to attempt the crossing again
Much like a video game.
She jumped once more
Before we both eventually got across
And were at the train station.
Apparently we had to go to the airport via "Rainbow"
Which I'm not convinced is a place
But I wasn't going to get there on time

Suddenly we were at the airport
Yay, convenience
And I was about to check in
When a Virgin Blue lady was holding some stick which looked like a torch
And I was like "OOH I WANT ONE"
And she goes "Would you like one?"
And I'm like "CAN I?"
And she's like "No, not you, I was talking to him.."
And motions to a colleague of hers, behind me.

Anyway that was about it.
Dreams, yay.

In other news I'm toodling up to Sydney again today
Which I'm a little scared about.



Monday, March 22, 2010

TRS - Let You Go

I didn't know
Somebody surprised me, alarm, alarmed
Somebody has made it this far, this far

I don't wanna let you go
I don't wanna let you go
You know it's so, it's so hard
I don't wanna let you go
(Somebody has waited)
I don't wanna let you go
It's gone too far, too far

And if somebody tells you
You're not enough
If somebody tells you

You're not good enough
If somebody tells you this,
It isn't just
Just, I'm burning out
And I'm calling all the bluffs

I don't wanna let you go
But the weather changes like your mind
And I don't wanna give you up
But I just might this time
Hope the new grass you seek
Is greener than the greenest green
And if it's not, or if it is
I just hope you'll be
At peace

At least
At least

So go ahead
Compare the petty issues
To all the awesome days
Somebody has waited
Too long to still wait

I don't wanna let you go
I don't wanna let you go
You know it's so, it's so hard
I don't wanna let you go
(Somebody has waited)
I don't wanna let you go
It's gone too far, too far

And if somebody tells you
You're not enough
If somebody tells you

You're not good enough
If somebody tells you this,
It isn't just
Just, I'm burning out
And I'm calling all the bluffs

I don't wanna let you go
But the weather changes like your mind
And I don't wanna give you up
But I just might this time
Hope the new grass you seek
Is greener than the greenest green
And if it's not, or if it is
I just hope you'll be

There's a beautiful ending
But you're never gonna read the book
No you won't
I know you won't
There's a magical ending
But you're never gonna read the book
No you won't
I know you won't

I don't wanna let you go
But the weather changes like your mind
And I don't wanna give you up
But I just might this time
Hope the new grass you seek
Is greener than the greenest green
And if it's not, or if it is
I just hope you'll be
At peace

So walk away
I know it hurts
Don't be afraid
And know your worth
Just walk away


Sunday, March 21, 2010


I can feel it
The numbness
It's slowly crawling over each sense.

I can't taste
I can't smell
I can't hear
I can't feel
Not like I could.

Just last night
I was unimpressed by sticky-date pudding.
There is only one thing I can smell properly
It's intoxicating
And has the tendency to lull me into a false sense of security
As it struggles to keep me warm at night.

The only thing not yet noticably tarnished is sight
But we all know that wasn't great to begin with
And I really don't want it to get worse.

I also seem to be shedding weight
Not drastically..
But a few kilos in a couple of weeks is not completely normal
Especially when I haven't changed habits much.
I think it's a good thing
Everyone else seems to disagree.
I don't really care so much

I had a weird dream that I was going to blog about
But it seems to have slipped my mind
Which is inconvenient
I haven't dreamt much lately.

Gut pain.

My inner fire is burning out.



Friday, March 19, 2010


Two months ago
It was Tuesday
The 19th
And we were in Sydney.



Thursday, March 18, 2010


I am capable of love.
I am capable of being loved.

If nothing else,
I'm glad I have cemented that belief.



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cruella De Ville

Memo To Myself:


But not now.
It is 1.30am
And I am tired.
My eyes hurt
And I should sleep.



Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Letter

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
And think of you
Turning in circles
Confusion is nothing new

Flashback to warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories
Time after...

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me
I can't hear what you've said
And you say 'go slow'
I fall behind...
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time

After your picture fades
And darkness has turned to grey
Watching through windows
I'm wondering if you're OK
And you said 'go slow'
I fall behind...
The drum beats out of time

If you're lost you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time

Time after time
Time after time




I was wrong!
Two people read my blog,
Not one.
See, it's worth it.
It's still worth it.

Story from yesterday.
It's wonderful.
I shall post Stace/Des's version too.
But this one includes all three of us.
Pink is Des
Black is me
Grey is Stace.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. Her name was....

Consuela Bananahammock, and she had blonde hair with pink ribbons in it. She lived at the top of a giant...

lighthouse that had no lights because She was a child and not allowed to play with hot things! Her favorite song was...

GAMMA RAY BY BECK & she tried to learn it on her acoustic guitar but got disheartened cause she sucked so bad. so she...

..took up the triangle because it was much easier and her father approved of such an instrument. He also..

loved his other daughter much more because her name wasn't consuela. This made her so mad (Consuela) that she got revenge by...

locking her normally-named sister in a cupboard under the stairs and claiming to her parents that in fact she had gone to a...

scrapbooking retreat to learn how to collage all of their cherished memories. Her parents didn't believe her so they...

..searched the house until they found their other child, who now wanted to go to the Scrapbooking retreat, but can't because..

there really was no scrapbooking retreat. So Consuela told her other sibling what really happened & showed her where the...

scrapbook supplies were kept so they ended up having their own scrapbook retreat & it was awesome! They made a whole lot of..

collages of the missing siblings pictures because they forgot about her. She was downstairs digging to get out, but she ended up

digging all the way to China and ate some Singapore noodles which were tasty. She took photos there too so she could scrapbook

but then got caught up in some hardcore noodle smuggling & was arrested by the Chinese government. By this time, Consuela had...

finished scrapbooking and found the giant hole her sister had toodled into... so she went armed with a rotary cutter & saved..

her normal named sister, Connie, from her cellmate, Who was about to steal her identity as she was being bailed out of prison by

her deranged second cousin Phyllis. Conveniently, Consuela got there in time to save her sister and bail her out so they could

be the guest speakers @ the worlds largest scrapbook convention! Just as they were getting ready to toodle on, Phyllis said.....

"I'LL SCRAPBOOK YOU GOOD" and started hurling all manner of decorated collage albums at the sisters. Conveniently, a bystander

who was also a judge, said "Phyllis! I don't mean to butt away, but this must stop!" and right then & there sentenced her to....

six months of noodly community service in which she had to clean up noodles that were left on the street. The sisters spoke ..

at the scrapbook convention, where Phyllis also spoke, using noodles & macaroni to make frames. Meanwhile, at the lighthouse....

the parents of the three missing girls were having a great time scrapbooking all their ye olde memories, until they realised..

that they hadn't seen the kids in a while. "Honey" said Mr. B, "do you know where the kids are?" "no" mrs. B replied, "we should

text them & tell them dinner will be ready soon." so in China, Consuela's phone went off & she realised they should go home..

so they googled directions & google said "take a canoe 1267495 miles" which was impossible, bc they didn't have one, so they....

went back through the giant hole they dug and got back very late and dirty for dinner. YAY THE END!


P.S. I love double meanings. XD

Kind Of Busy

I guess I have been
A little.
Okay, not so much that I have a valid reason for ignoring my blog
But it seems only one person really cares that it hasn't been updated
So one could argue that I may as well not bother
But no, it's worth it.

Where to begin?
I have no idea what my last post even was
But I have a feeling it was song lyrics.
Hard to say why.
But songs have been quite important to me lately.
For a few reasons I guess
They usually remind me of something
Someone, or a feeling even.
Perhaps to my detriment
I now have a playlist on my iPod
Of songs that will deteriorate my mood
And allow me to be as upset as I feel I should be.
I suppose I've always had songs that would do so
But now they are collected and easily accessible.

Am I only making it worse?
I suppose one could say that I am doing this to myself
And that it is unconstructive and just plain stupid
But I would counter that I usually feel better after a low
So in the end I'm making it better.
Hard to say whether that's a valid reason
But it'll do for now.

The days seem to flash past
Which at this point isn't really bad
I'm waiting, hoping
For a day which will soon be here
So I don't mind the quick disappearance of each day
Nearly as much as I would
If I maintained my theory
That I was wasting my life
And each day disappearing
Simply signified another day I no longer have
Where I accomplished nothing.
This is very year 11 of me,
Except that was just with Friday's.
Scheme against time
I still think we should.

The days are filled with stress
The nights are filled with thoughts
And I simply cannot wait
For this whole ridiculous matter to unfold and sort itself out.
At least one resolution was reached today
That is a welcome weight lifted from my chest.

Today was actually good
Not that other recent days have not been
But this one was especially.
Time with friends certainly helped
And a hilarious story co-written with Stace and Des was enough to make the workday amusing.
I'll post it tomorrow,
When I can be bothered getting it off my USB.

Time is not on my side
It's approaching 3am
And thus
I have work in nine hours.
Slumber calls.

You know what else today is?
I'll talk about it in the morning...
It still feels like yesterday.



Thursday, March 4, 2010


I would love
To crawl
Into a hole
And die.
