Monday, November 17, 2008

Towards the light

So it's late.
And I should be asleep, on account of my appointment to help dad tomorrow at like, 9.

I could go. BUT I WON'T!

So, things are good.
But I still feel lonely.
Despite all the friends I have.
But yeah.
It's alright.

I am in love with this Nikorette song (unreleased as yet) by Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band, Stacey and I saw them perform it on Conan O'brian the other day!

Awesome fun we had that night, we were up til 4-something watching Lizzie McGuire, NCIS, and Rocko's Modern Life among other things.

We also made pancakes in the morning, but it was more like afternoon by the time we actually got them.
AND Vickie of course was there too, it was just generally awesome.

This weekend I've just worked heaps.. thats all.
But I feel good!
Despite lack of sleep.

Which I should try to rectify, as of... now.

Laptop this week!
Details to follow.



Now playing: Conor Oberst - NYC-Gone, Gone
via FoxyTunes

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