Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ginger Kisses and Made-up Mathematics

I have a few funny things to write.. that have happened in the last couple of days..

Tonight, while sitting outside Meg's Vickie's dad's car... he says:
"Quick! Hurry up! They're going to think we're terrorists..sitting outside..with a funny box."

Yesterday, at Stacey's.. Georgia:
"What can I make with a ... polygon?"
Me: "Did you say POƄNGLE?"

Tuesday, at Stacey's .. we were making ginger kisses, with ginger biscuits from 2005, and Stacey tried to eat one but then spat it out and threw it away.
But...we figured the cream would soften them, so we made them anyway...
We got down to the last one, and because Stacey had thrown one out there was an odd one left, so we made a three-layer one.
Then...she remembered she had some leftovers from another packet she had been eating, so she got out the box...and opened it... AND THERE WERE THREE LEFT! We both just burst out laughing, almost fell over because it was so hilarious, we could have just made normal ones if we'd looked BUT NO, we ended up with all these normal ones and two 3-layer ones. Also the cream in the middle was purple, and therefore awesome.

Also yesterday at Stacey's...
"Jenny's a.. Jenny.. Jenny.."
"I like Shepard because it's a flock."

ALSO AT STACEY'S YESTERDAY (yes I spend a LOT of time there, and it's always funny)..
"I saw an eagle on a pole... I think it was an eagle..."

And there were more tonight.
But I forget many of them.
Apart from "OH Vickie you're so fine..." etc. Hahaha.

I hope you don't read this.
But if you do.
I think you're just screwing with my head.
And if you care..just bloody well say so.
Say something.
I'll wait, you know me.
I'll hang around for no reason, just because I think it's a good idea. Or because you tell me to.
Yeah, I'm a pushover.
Use it to your advantage, like so many others.


1 comment:

Stace said...

Go the ginger kisses!
I think we should make more.
The three layer ones were CLEARLY the best.
And we should make the cream green!
Because as you say,
we are awesome like that!