Friday, May 30, 2008

Of Late

So… a lot has actually happened recently

I’ve just been way too lazy to write anything about it

I have a laptop, for a start..

Which I am presently using to type this blog!

It’s pretty fantastic, except it needs a new battery
But that’s the thing about a free laptop
I don’t mind spending some money to get it up to scratch

It will be fantastic for school

And also for my random late nights

Such as tonight

It’s currently 2am on the dot

So in 12 hours I will be seeing Stacey!

Anyway. Since it is such a ridiculous hour

I will refrain from telling a small portion of my life story

And go to bed!


To Stacey




And that is not a type-o


Sunday, May 18, 2008

You're like a rollercoaster

Actually, I think I am like a rollercoaster
But it's from a song that is quite awesome
So I thought I'd use it

The last few posts of mine have been pretty good
But today is going to change just a little
I had a fun night last night though
Just to put that in
And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Daniel for tomorrow!

Moreover.. on a different note
I am still a lonely wolf.
To be honest
I am too lazy to extrapolate
But that is my problem...
I am lonely.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Raging River Of Syrup

The last few days
Have been pretty bloody good
Yesterday was the debutante ball
Fantastic day for everyone
I had an awesome time
With everyone!
Also at Amy's last night/this morning

Today I spent some time with Stacey
We also had a great time
Doing hilarious things with her computer
I showed her photos of the deb
We drew pictures
We made the computer talk
In it's hilarious voice that always makes us laugh
We had dinner
Spoke to Amy on the phone..who also made us laugh lots
Went to the Pancake Parlour and had a nice hot fudge sundae
Which I promptly drowned in maple syrup..
And there were almost rivers of the stuff
Flowing down across the icecream
It was funny!!
Afterwards we went and got lemon, lime and bitters' from Coles
And took photos of the Noddy car which was freaking us out a little
The elevator provided great entertainment while we were waiting for our lift home
And I managed to confuse the thing by stopping half way between floors
So it thought we were somewhere, but we actually weren't
I stopped it because Gibbs does it all the time..
Most often when talking to Fornell
Or Madam Director
But we also re-enacted the time when Abby was huddled in the corner of the elevator
And Gibbs was hugging her because she was scared

Yes, we are NCIS enthusiasts! some technological miracle, Stacey's old iPod..
Which was broken..
Has decided that it's going to work again
I restored it
And updated the software
So it all seems to be okay
We will just have to wait and see if it performs like all other technology
You think it's okay
But it isn't
I hope not!

Tomorrow should be fun.
Family, mothers day, yay.

Life is precious..


Monday, May 5, 2008


Den här er en intrade till min två häpnadsväckande vännerna vem tala Svensk , hoppfullt de kanna läsa den här. Den har blitt översätt med en unreliable Internet sida , och vilja sannolikt bli förorätta utom jag bryr mig icke!

Øyvind och Max,



Yes, that was the utterance from me when I arrived at Stacey's door this afternoon
Carrying 2 sterile swabs, like the ones they use in NCIS (hence me giving them to her)
We did a bacteria thing in biology
So I took a couple of swabs and gave them to Stace! Not the bacteria ones obviously
I am feeling so fantastic today
Just because
There is no reason not to

Just a random entry to say that today was good
Also, I look spectacularly sexy in my deb suit!

